DECENT Blockchain Content Distribution Taking Off in China

By August 6, 2016Bitcoin Business

DECENT, a blockchain-based content distribution solution platform, announced the date of the DECENT token (DCT) sale: on September 10, investors will be able to purchase a share in the novel blockchain-based platform.

According to the official website , DCTs will be used in the publishing and buying process on DECENT Platform. [this] allows individuals or organizations to buy, sell & share genuine digital content without any third party influence or restrictions. It also serves as an anti-spam protection and reward for seeders/miners (or publishers in DECENT terminology). The team behind DECENT aims to create an independent publishing platform for everybody around the world. Using Blockchain technology to ensure trusted , secure and transparent transactions. DECENT Crowdsale Allocation

The crowdsale will allocate a significant amount of resources to development and operations, a breaking down of this distribution can be found in the chart below: DECENT Founder Visits China

DECENT managed to acquire important partners in China, DECENT’s founder, Matej Michalko, has been attending and speaking at several conferences in the country. Michalko had the chance to talk about DECENT distribution network at BTCKan’s event in Shangai.

Crossing the Chasm of Blockchain Technologies is the name of the presentation that Michalko gave in an event held on last Sunday, the presentation featured the introduction of DECENT-Stream, a “fully decentralized P2P video streaming service”.

The team behind DECENT has established a number of partners, including NewsBTC , and Chinese crypto news giants HxTop and Wanbizu . The project recently unveiled a Development Plan & Roadmap , the team intends to build an ambitious platform: We plan to release multiple applications on top of the protocol which will build the initial infrastructure. To help the growth of DECENT Network we also plan to offer protocol implementation support for app developers. Last but not least, we […]

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