Bitcoin Price Is Looking Up

By September 3, 2016Bitcoin Business

Bitcoin price is drawing close to its 4hr candle chart 200-period moving average (200MA). Crossing above it will signal an intermediate period of advance. This analysis is provided by with a 3-hour delay. Read the full analysis here . Not a member? Join now. Bitcoin Price Analysis Time of analysis: 15h00 UTC Saturday Bitstamp 4-Hour Candle Chart From the analysis pages of, earlier today: Consolidation is drawing to an inevitable close as the 4hr 200MA descends into the area of price action. To the upside we have Fib extension targets all the way up to long-term resistance at $680. Likely pitstops for reaction wait at $600, $610 and $630 (Bitstamp). For the advancing scenario to open we need to see price advance above the 4hr 200MA (red). The 200MA is critical at every timeframe, and intermediate trend is signaled by price’s position relative to this average. Why? No-one knows, it’s just like that. The imminent breakout is confirmed by many exchange charts entering a “scribbling” phase whereby price candles begin resembling a pencil drawing technique called “hatching” at the 15min and 5min timeframes. Dense candle patterns as opposed to clean distinct wave patterns. Of course, market manipulation is never far from the cautious trader’s risk assessment plan. Conceivably a cartel of whales may be stimulating advance prior to their wicked action of feeding on these same buy positions. The resulting chart could see price reverse from $600 to $550 and then $500. Our only guide through the many possible scenarios is the chart’s technical indications. If momentum to the upside is strong, it will discourage manipulation, and we expect to see confirmation of advance in the 1day chart, which currently does not (yet) signal long-term advance. Summary The analysis outlook is for price to climb above its […]

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