Netherlands Leads the Dark Net Polls in Drug Distribution

By September 7, 2016Bitcoin Business

A new report shows that the Netherlands is the leading supplier of drugs among dark net vendors. Internet-facilitated drugs trade was released by the Dutch Justice Ministry and took into consideration the size, scope, and the role the Netherlands is playing in the online drug business. Researchers scanned 50 dark net markets and vendor shops to find that the Netherlands calls a very huge portion of the markets and sites home. In part with data from the European Monitoring Center for Drugs and Drug Addiction, the study suggests that the Netherlands is the main producer of MDMA and Ecstasy, as well as a key distribution hub from cannabis resin and cocaine. The study also found that only around ten percent of drug revenues generated by Dutch vendors is by cannabis. The study shows that only around 11 kilos a month are being sold, compared to double and triple that for MDMA and Ecstasy. The Netherlands only makes up less than two percent of the global cannabis market. Moreover, the study found that the majority of listings by Dutch vendors were for ecstasy type drugs around 42 percent while cannabis took a back seat at only around 15 percent. Dutch vendors are only the fifth largest vendor by country size, after the U.S., U.K., Australia, and Germany. Despite this size set back, the Netherlands seems to have an uncanny dark net following. It’s a well-known fact that the Netherlands produces some of the world’s best MDMA, and ecstasy, so it’s not wonder why they’re leading the dark net polls. The proof is in the news as well. With all types of U.S. citizens being busted by customs all the time, with shipments from 15 grams of MDMA, to over 10,000 tabs of XTC being seized, and coordinated package drops happening […]

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