Bitcoin Scam Site Warning – ASSOMiner

By September 9, 2016Bitcoin Business

Bitcoin cloud mining companies continue to crawl out of the woodworks as of late. Unfortunately, that also means the number of fraudulent offerings continues to grow every week. ASSO advertises itself as the next level Bitcoin cloud mining provider, but it is doubtful anyone will ever see their full investment returned to them. ASSOMiner Is Just Another Cloud Mining Scam Any website venturing into the Bitcoin cloud mining space should be scrutinised. The reason for this is simple: it is an expensive business, which requires a lot of dedication. Moreover, the returns on Bitcoin mining are far less spectacular compared to what some people might expect. In most cases, it takes months, if not a full year, to just break even, let alone make a profit. This is why companies such as ASSOMiner are suspicious from the start. Not only do they promise fast returns and profits, but they also provide zero evidence of their mining hardware. Additionally, their front page has a “limited time offer”, which expires today. If you look tomorrow, it will probably say the same offer expires tomorrow. It is interesting to see the company list several of their clients to date, including , Coinbase, and UnoCoin. It is doubtful any of these companies has even heard of ASSOMiner, as the domain name was registered on August 27th. This is another clear example of why this site is a complete scam, and no one should invest in it, to begin with. As one would come to expect, ASSOMiner has no evidence of their mining operations. The front page claims they build reliable and efficient mining rigs. They also have “experts for cooling and maintaining data centres”. Pretty impressive, albeit this information is utterly fake, and should be ignored. Users are unable to see the […]

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