International Trade Secretary Calls UK Enterprises “Fat and Lazy”

By September 10, 2016Bitcoin Business

If there were ever a chance of Bitcoin having the opportunity to gain traction in the UK, now would be that time. A trade minister who voted in favor of the Brexit says local business are ‘lazy and fat”. Not the nicest of comments, but also a sign things will need to change sooner rather than later. This could be good news for cryptocurrency, albeit the thoughts of one person may not make a big impact in the long run. The UK Economy Continues Its Hibernation Albeit it is still a bit early to gauge the full ramifications of the Brexit , things continue to look bleak in the UK. With the status of “major trading nation” on the line, a wake-up call will need to take place soon. Liam Fox, the International Trade Secretary, paints a very visual and worrisome picture for local companies. Although Fox was for Britain leaving the EU, the outcome so far is relatively disappointing, in his opinion. Forging new trading relationships should be a top priority yet very little efforts are undertaken. In fact, it appears the local enterprises are resting on their laurels a bit, while the time for action is now. Liam Fox summed it up as follows: “This country is not the free trading nation that it once was. We have become too lazy and too fat on our successes in previous generations. What is the point of us reshaping global trade, what is the point of us going out and looking for new markets for the United Kingdom, if we don’t have the exporters to fill those markets?” It will not come as a surprise to find out a lot of policymakers have issues with these comments. The Brexit has certainly hampered the growth of Britain as a trading […]

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