Jaxx Says Ethereum Classic’s Rejection By iOS App Store Is “Apple’s Loss”

By September 12, 2016Bitcoin Business

Tweets from Jaxx say Apple has rejected its application to integrate Ethereum Classic ETC into its wallet on the iOS App Store but didn’t specify why. One of the tweets says: Just got word from @apple . #ethereum good, #ETC bad. They will not allow @eth_classic on the @AppStore — Jaxx Wallet (@jaxx_io) September 7, 2016 The creators of the universal Blockchain wallet had integrated ETC into its suite of software wallets on seven different platforms and submitted an updated version of its app for Apple’s approval. ETC “has deficits” However, Charles Hoskinson , whose company IOHK build cryptocurrencies and Blockchains, expressed his opinion about “serious deficits with ETC.” Key among them is the need for a re-branding and a media strategy to make new users understand ETC and how it differs from ETH; and a lack of an official or a reliable channel of information about the events of the ecosystem or commitments of various actors which he claims has lead to FUD, impersonations and attempts at market manipulation in the absence of clarity. Another potential problem is the fact that the Ethereum Foundation owns the Ethereum trademark with its continuous use likely to provoke a trademark infringement lawsuit to companies using the Ethereum brand and name. Hoskinson told CoinTelegraph that the factors are quite significant “which is why I mentioned them in my write up.” He added: “ETC is an organic and totally decentralized movement which is leaderless and doesn’t have a particular direction at the moment. Thus, it’s pulling into different domains searching for its sea legs.” IOHK suggestions He also noted in his piece that IOHK cannot move unilaterally to address all of these problems but can chart a course and invite the community to follow where necessary. Some of its next line of actions […]

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