Arubits Educates ATECH 2016 Attendees on Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency

By September 17, 2016Bitcoin Business

It is always great to see community members actively spread the word on Bitcoin and cryptocurrency. Educational efforts should ever be limited to conferences and meetup groups. ATECH 2016 Is a conference focusing on technology, which makes it a perfect place to educate people on Bitcoin and blockchain. Any Event Is Suitable For Education To put things into perspective, there are plenty of opportunities to educate people on Bitcoin and cryptocurrency. Most enthusiasts limit themselves to cryptocurrency and blockchain events, even though most of those attendees are all too familiar with these concepts already. Technology conferences present a perfect opportunity for educational purposes Several community members have taken it upon themselves to attend ATECH 2016 . This conference is held in Aruba this year, and it is a 100% technology event. That also makes it a perfect candidate for Bitcoin discussions even though they are not officially on the event agenda. Among the exhibitions and topics discussed during this event are 3D Printing, various panels, and pitching startups . In a way, it is the perfect ecosystem to meet like-minded people, even though they may not have a direct link to cryptocurrency whatsoever. Technology events welcome people from all walks of life, and Bitcoin is a big part of [financial] technology available today. The company representing Bitcoin there – albeit in an unofficial capacity – is Arubits , one of the first companies in Aruba to deal with Bitcoin payments. The team is handing out Bitcoin wallets and small amounts of cryptocurrency for everyone who sets up a Bitcoin account. Seeing the magic is the best form of education when it comes to cryptocurrency. All of this goes to show everyone in the Bitcoin world can help grow the ecosystem. You don’t need to be a� writer, developer, or […]

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