9 Must-Watch Talks at Ethereum’s Big Developer Event

By September 18, 2016Bitcoin Business

The world’s second largest blockchain network is set to host its annual developer conference this week. To be held in Shanghai, Devcon2 is expected to draw upwards of 700 attendees, with a lineup featuring many notable developers of the smart contract blockchain. On hand for talks and panels will be ethereum creator Vitalik Buterin, lead Casper developer Vlad Zamfir and creator of the Solidity programming language, Christian Reitwiessner. Also speaking are members of enterprise financial firms, including Microsoft and Thomson Reuters, with more rumored to be in attendance. Given the recent trials and tribulations of the emerging technology, however, the tone of this year’s Devcon, seems likely to change. As the project is seeking to bounce back from the events of this summer, which saw a notable project collapse and its community locked in fierce debate, the dialogue is likely to provide color on how its leaders believe it can move forward from past challenges. A look at the schedule reveals a heavy focus on security and scalability – two issues that are top of mind for developers working on blockchain projects globally. Further, there is likely to be a focus on use cases that highlight how the public ethereum blockchain, as well as private implementations, can be used today. Heading there yourself or watching the livestream? Here’s our round-up of the events on our schedule. 1. Ethereum in 25 Minutes – Vitalik Buterin To warm up before the more technical presentations, ethereum creator Vitalik Buterin will briefly break down the smart contract blockchain’s core components, describing technical terms such as “uncles” and “gas” and what they mean for the network. The talk is likely to be a must-see for those looking to get up to speed with the project and its various complexities by offering a big-picture view […]

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