Bitcoin Rebranding in Japan: BitGirls TV Show To Sugarcoat Mt.Gox Drama

By September 22, 2016Bitcoin Business

Japan is about to experience a cryptocurrency-themed TV show called BitGirls . This show, which will begin airing next month on 3rd October, 2016 will involve Blockchain voting and a crowd sale hosted by the currency exchange Zaif. The television show is an attempt to popularize crypto in an environment which has been marred by the Mt.Gox drama which unfolded in Japan in 2014. Ritz-glitz, Bitcoin and glamour The premise of the TV show is that participating viewers will receive tokens and they can use these tokens to vote on future shows for their favourite contestant. We talked with Takao Asayama , the CEO of Tech Bureau Corp (Zaif Exchange), about how the whole process would work. He says to CoinTelegraph: “As you know securitization is regulated everywhere and it has been very hard even to simulate it for entertainment. Even in Japan, there are a lot of projects which have tried to securitize from Anime movies to girl pop groups, but it didn’t fly that much because those regulations would always affect the fun part of it. Now, tokenization and ICO has come instead of securitization. With the power of the Blockchain we can simulate each girl member as if they are a "corporation" by issuing tokens. I combined two Japanese words, "toreka – trading cards" and "kabu – stock shares" into one word "Torekabu." Torekabu-nushi, which means Torekabu holders, will receive voting tokens as dividends to make a scenario for each episode.” It is expected that the girls will compete for the market cap and that the Blockchain will facilitate a transparent outcome. Contestants are lining up to be BitGirls The TV show is already auditioning ten girls to become contestants. Cointelegraph was told by Takao Asayama that three are ready to join. The first voting is […]

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