ZCash Coins Are Valued At US$15.24 Before The Project Is Even Released

By September 23, 2016Bitcoin Business

A lot of cryptocurrency enthusiasts are looking forward to the upcoming release of Zcash. This upcoming project has been in development for quite some time, and the team is releasing more details regarding their prior funding efforts. Right now, it seems investors every ZCash token at US%15, which is quite a high price according to some. Is ZCash Really worth US$15 Per Piece? It has to be said; the ZCash project is quite an appealing one. Providing users with real anonymity and privacy in the cryptocurrency world is not an easy feat. They have also attracted the attention from investors, who put in US$2m into the Zcash Electric Coin Company during the past summer. What is rather interesting are the investors themselves. A lot of prominent people in the cryptocurrency world have invested in this project so far. Roger Ver, Barry Silbert, Digital Currency Group, Erik Voorhees and others have all pledged funds to this up and coming concept, which goes to show there is a great demand for such features. All of these backers put a lot of confidence in the Zcash project, and it seems to be rubbing off on the cryptocurrency community. All of the money raised during the Summer will be used to expand the team and hiring independent security auditors. All of this goes to show the developers are very serious about the project, which is good to see. To put this into perspective, the investors own a total of 131,250 Zcash coins, worth US$2m. Quick calculations will show us this translates to US$15.24 per coin, which is quite a significant price for a project that has yet to be released. Moreover, the valuation related to this initial investment should not be taken as an indication of the coins’ worth, at this stage. Distribution […]

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