New Bipartisan Blockchain Caucus Will Promote the Use of Bitcoin and Blockchain Technology

By September 28, 2016Bitcoin Business

A year ago, Bitcoin Magazine highlighted the work of U.S. Congress Representative Jared Polis and noted his work meeting with politicians and businesses, promoting the many economy-building possibilities of Bitcoin and, by extension, blockchain technology. A year later, Rep. Polis, a Democrat from Colorado, along with Rep. Mick Mulvaney, a Republican from South Carolina, announced the formation of the first congressional caucus to promote and educate members of Congress, and the general public, about the potential of digital currencies and other blockchain-based technologies. To increase its influence and effectiveness, the new caucus is bipartisan, welcoming members from both political parties. “Congressional caucuses are very important for like-minded members of Congress to work together toward common policy goals,” said Jerry Brito, Executive Director of the Coin Center advocacy group. “We are very excited by the formation of the Congressional Blockchain Caucus and look forward to continuing working with its members to chart a path forward with the same type of light touch regulation that the early internet benefited from just a few decades ago.” Recently Brito was named to the Politico Top 50 influencers in Washington D.C., along with Coin Center board members Marc Andreessen and Fred Wilson. Rep. Polis is also an acknowledged “thought leader” in the digital currency movement due to his long-term support. He was the first politician on the Hill to accept donations in bitcoin. “The blockchain has boundless potential," Rep. Jared Polis said in a news release. "From cryptocurrencies to supply chains to banking to property titling, blockchain-based solutions have the ability to decentralize cybersecurity and revolutionize many industries. It’s vital for Americans, businesses, and members of Congress to learn about blockchain technology so the U.S. can continue to secure its stance as the global leader of ingenuity.” “The Blockchain Caucus will focus on raising […]

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