Ethereum To Surpass Bitcoin? Gavin Andresen Tweet Foretells Growing Sentiment

By September 29, 2016Bitcoin Business

Read a great story about your favorite cryptocurrency? Post it on CoinUpVote and we might write about it on CCN.LA ! Gavin Andresen raised eyebrows recently when he tweeted that Ethereum has more nodes now than bitcoin and that it will grow its lead as its block size exceeds bitcoin’s. Ethereum has more nodes today than Bitcoin. Prediction: it’s lead will grow even as its blockchain size exceeds bitcoin’s. — Gavin Andresen (@gavinandresen) September 25, 2016 Andresen, chief scientist at the Bitcoin Foundation and lead developer of Bitcoin until 2014, has raised concerns in the past about the bitcoin block size. He has noted the possibility that the bitcoin community could see exchanges, miners and merchants move to a highly centralized clearing agreement model. He believes that this will indicate an unhealthy bitcoin network that will be even slower, less reliable and more vulnerable to attacks. Andresen Early To Address Scaling Andresen is not alone in his concern about bitcoin’s scaling issue. He has, however, been raising the issue longer than most bitcoin developers. This concern is central to his positive view of Ethereum, which has the scaling issue in hand. In 2014, Andresen noted Ethereum was a Bitcoin 2.0 project creating “a revolutionary new platform for applications.” In July of 2015, Andresen emailed the Bitcoin Core development mailing list that the “worst of all possible worlds” for bitcoin was “no plan for how to scale up.” He indicated that scaling was bitcoin’s only obstacle, regardless of how it must be achieved. If a fork to Bitcoin-XT was needed, Andresen was willing to go along with it. Recent Tweet Draws Attention Vitalik Buterin, Etherum’s founder, was quick to reply to Andresen’s tweet by noting that Ethereum also has more features than bitcoin. Many people agreed with Andresen’s views about […]

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