Brave Browser Team To Issue First Bitcoin Payments Later Today

By October 1, 2016Bitcoin Business

There has been a lot of speculation regarding the up-and-coming Brave browser. With a very innovative business model and Bitcoin integration, this piece of software can shake up online advertising like never before. A new version of the Brave browser lets users contribute to websites directly while blocking ads. The first payouts are scheduled to occur later today. Many cryptocurrency enthusiasts are looking forward to the Brave browser. Not only will this tool reduce the number of annoying ads during a browsing session, but it also integrates Bitcoin.Brave lets site visitors contribute financially to the sites they visit while blocking their advertisements entirely. First Brave Browser Payouts Are Due Soon The payment option was integrated roughly a month ago today, and the first websites will receive their payout later today. For now, it remains unknown how many sites will get a payment, or what type of numbers we are talking about. Rest assured no one will become rich overnight from having people use the Brave browser to read or view their content. Depending on how successful the Brave browser will be, this could herald a big change for online advertising. Most site owners use Google Adsense or paid banner ads on their site to help cover operating expenses. For the visitor, this is a major annoyance, as it can ruin the whole browsing experience. Contributing to content creators directly is a more favorable option. To allow for this peer-to-peer contribution, the Brave browser had to use a global payment option. Card payments were not an option, due to high fraud rates. Bitcoin is the only logical choice, as it is the single global currency in the world today. Due to its low transaction fees, creators will receive the full contribution in a frictionless manner. Although this is a very […]

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