European Startups! Get on the Disrupt London Battlefield stage! Deadline extended!

By October 6, 2016Bitcoin Business

European Startups! Get on the Disrupt London Battlefield stage! Deadline extended!

The deadline to apply for the Startup Battlefield at Disrupt London has been extended! Startups from across the world now have until 12pm PT on October 13th to get their application in front of the selection team (TechCrunch journalists and editors). Apply now! Why compete in the Startup Battlefield? For starters, you’ll get to present your company to the best and brightest entrepreneurs and investors in the world who will give you incredible feedback on how to make your product or service even better. If that isn’t enough awesome stuff to encourage you to apply, the winner of the Startup Battlefield receives £30,000 and the coveted Disrupt Cup. And the best part? There are absolutely no fees, equity or otherwise, to participate in the Startup Battlefield. TechCrunch recently launched the Startup Battlefield Scholarship Fund , so there are really no excuses. Sounds pretty good, huh? Submit an application today . Our live video stream attracts around 1M views live, and over-all we get around 10M on all the video when all is said and done. It’s an astounding platform, not least for all the external media/press we invite to cover the single stage we have. Our European Battlefield Alumni are a very strong group. This summer 26 (formerly Number26) raised an additional $40 million and secured a full banking license. Aircall raised $8 million for its call center software-as-a-service. Olly by Emotech raised $10 million to bring their AI-powered robot to market. Lystable continues to bring on clients at an alarming rate, as well as notable investors, including Max Levchin. Photomath launched a new app with the ability to solve handwritten math problems and Hamwells is shipping its e-shower ., the winner of the Battlefield from Disrupt London 2014, raised $4 million for their next-gen SQL database. This […]

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