Keep Money in the Game: OneCoin Moves On To New Fantasy Blockchain

By October 6, 2016Bitcoin Business

Keep Money in the Game: OneCoin Moves On To New Fantasy Blockchain

On October 1, OneCoin, a self-declared cryptocurrency and trading venture based out of Bulgaria, has announced at a conference in Bangkok, Thailand that it switches to the “new Blockchain”, “transferring coins” from the old one to the new one. OneCoin has been in focus of Cointelegraph for some time . Recently the authorities of the UK and Sweden has warned investors that OneCoin is suspected to be a pyramid scheme with no verifiable evidence to back up any of its business claims . According to Tim Tayshun, CEO of Ezcoin, OneCoin is pure fraud and deception. He gave Cointelegraph his version of events that took place during the conference when OneCoin had mysteriously doubled the coin of every member. When asked whether OneCoin really delivered a new Blockchain to its clients, Tim Tayshun said: “To 8,500 or so Onecoin cult members attending an event that day, the answer would be a resounding yes.” “Keep money in the game” Tim Tayshun continues his story: “Even a day prior to the event, Joby Boughey , formerly involved in the U-Token/U-Fun affair stated in a video on his Facebook page , that after today “nobody will say it’s a scam!” Ken Labine, Canada’s #1 Onecoin dealer, had similar things to say . However, upon closer inspection even my own jaw dropped at the tremendous caper being orchestrated live at the “OneLife Mastermind Event” at the Impact Arena in Bangkok, Thailand. It was midnight California time when the fun began and the “chat box” on the live video stream was opened for all…” Ruja Ignatova, CEO of OneCoin claimed that the mining taking place was being shown live onstage on their new Blockchain. Tim Tayshun thinks that was untrue: “What we could clearly see is that the only thing that was “switched on” […]

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