New Blockchain Solution Dragonchain Has Been Made Open Source

By October 18, 2016Bitcoin Business

Blockchain enthusiasts were all too aware of how Disney is working on distributed ledger technology as well. The company has open sourced their dragon chain concept, which, in theory, makes it easier to integrate advanced blockchain features for third parties. Quite an exciting development, as integration existing systems with blockchain, has proven to be quite a challenge so far. Dragonchain is officially labeled as a blockchain platform that encompasses everything one would need to integrate distributed ledger features. This internal blockchain platform provides a foundation to develop these features as the enterprise or user sees fit.Additionally, the project also offers a network-wide interface, an efficient data distribution model, and cryptographic capabilities. Dragonchain Is A New Blockchain Contender It has become apparent a lot of companies and institutions are looking at integrating blockchain into their existing infrastructure. That is much easier said than done, though, which explains why most blockchain projects use proprietary technology, to begin with. Groups such as the Hyperledger Project , Ripple, and the R3 Consortium are looking to create new standards which apply to industries as a whole. To alleviate some of these concerns, Dragonchain is capable of making integration into real business applications much smoother. Simplified solutions are in high demand, yet that does not mean they are less powerful by any means. Dragonchain offers a lot of popular functionalities, including smart contract support and asset management. While this solution has been made open source and should make it easier to integrate into existing systems, engineers will still need to be familiar with distributed systems. The architecture of Dragonchain has been simplified to allow for high flexibility, while still providing protection of sensitive data. What is the bigger question is how this blockchain will be powered. In the Bitcoin world, proof-of-work is required to add […]

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