Bitcoin Airdrop Initiative Brought More Users, Confirms

By October 20, 2016Bitcoin Business

A Bitcoin airdrop which was held in September successfully brought new users to the digital currency community. Hosted by one Blockchain Education Network (BEN), an independent network of student blockchain clubs, the said Bitcoin airdrop attracted students from all across Canada, the USA, Italy, Netherlands, and other places. The premise, according to main sponsor , was simple: draw student bodies into conducting their own giveaway events, and also use the opportunity to familiarise students with Bitcoin with the help of official app. The event, as he further added, was designed to help university students gain practical insights about Bitcoin. Up until now, people outside the Bitcoin community were not willing to experiment with the digital currency, owing to bias mainstream coverages and so-called legal complications. Many students had preconceived notion that Bitcoin is suitable only for “power users”. The understanding — though — improved a lot once students used Bitcoin first-hand on mobile application. “Students were given 5000 bits from us if they participated in the event,” added Alejandro De La Torre, the Business Development Head of “Once a student downloaded the app on either their android or iOS device they would receive another 500 bits.” recognised that how the students’ perception arc changed from confused to confident once they laid hands on their Bitcoin mobile application. De La Torre stated: “Students found the easy to send bitcoin features in our app very useful. We were glad to hear that because we’ve worked very hard on them.” Dean Masley, Executive Director of BEN, further recognised mobile wallet as a perfect sponsor for their giveaway, stating that they couldn’t have been more thrilled to work with for the airdrop. “We wanted to make blockchain easy by introducing new students to the culture and […]

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