Bitstamp Bitcoin Exchange and Trezor Bitcoin Wallet Forge New Partnership

By October 20, 2016Bitcoin Business

The world of Bitcoin can be intimidating, inconvenient and disjointed as the ecosystem still goes through “early adopter” growing pains. Bitcoin users want to increase Bitcoin security and convenience, and would prefer to stay with trusted names rather trying a new product every six months. Established Bitcoin brand names Bitstamp and Trezor have chosen to establish a new partnership that should help their growing customer bases get the best of both worlds quicker and easier than ever before. “Improved Bitcoin Security and User Experience” Many times, a Bitstamp user may have to transfer Bitcoins from their Trezor to a third-party Bitcoin wallet, or, before entering those funds into the exchange, a needless step that is no longer necessary. Now the intended transfer can be done through one interface in seconds with a few clicks. The same can be done with withdrawals, moving Bitcoin funds directly to the Trezor. Trezor and Bitstamp “With a new integration of the (Trezor) Bitcoin hardware wallet, Bitstamp makes its marketplace more accessible to different customer’s demands and is expanding options for better security of users without any expense of friendly user experience,” said Bitstamp in a statement Wednesday. To deposit directly from Trezor to Bitstamp, here is what you do. After logging into your Bitstamp account, go to Deposit, then Bitcoin, then HD Wallet, then Trezor. Select desired amount and click on “Deposit.” Connect your TREZOR and follow the instructions. Authenticate to your TREZOR with PIN/Passphrase. Choose the account you want to send the Bitcoins from. Check and confirm the transaction on the Trezor screen, and you are done. To withdraw funds to your Trezor, this is the procedure: After logging into your Bitstamp account, go to Withdrawal, then Bitcoin, then HD Wallet, then Trezor. Connect your TREZOR and follow the instructions. Authenticate […]

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