Bitcoin-Based OpenBazaar Releases New ‘Deploy’ Program, Full Update

By October 21, 2016Bitcoin Business

The forever-in-the-making OpenBazaar trading platform has been one of 2016’s bright spots in the Bitcoin space. After over a quarter of a million downloads (I was one of them) and thousands of new store ideas taking over a decentralized, user-powered digital space, it is time for a second refresh, months in the making. On Thursday, the group behind OpenBazaar known as OB1 released information on a new program they have developed called ‘Deploy,’ along with a long-awaited program update. Let’s start with the new ‘Deploy’ program first. Are you ready to Deploy? I know I am. Building an OpenBazaar store, at launch, six months ago was cool and all, but up to this point the store was only operational if my computer was online to power it. Since my computer isn’t on 24/7, it goes into sleep modes, and I don’t always open the app, it leads to a very non-committal way of doing decentralized business. Your standard website or email campaign works whether you are on your computer or not, with no batteries required. It’s a better system, and more functional for everyone involved. It seems that OB1 sees it the same way, as they have released Deploy to fill in these gaps. It appears this is for new users or store builders, and won’t work with current stores. Honestly, this makes me want to get started with a new store all over again. Deploy makes your OpenBazaar store as convenient to operate as any website online. Deploy allows you to create and operate your new OpenBazaar store no matter what condition your computer is in, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. It will auto-update for you and govern your security as well. There are people who cannot handle servers all day, nor keep an open […]

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