Bitcoin is a ‘Crock’ Politician Received Biggest Donation from Company at Crypto Disruption Risk

By March 17, 2018Bitcoin Business

The most virulently anti-Bitcoin congressman at this week’s House Capital Markets, Securities, and Investment Subcommittee hearing on cryptocurrencies and initial coin offerings (ICOs) received his largest campaign donations from industries threatened by widespread cryptocurrency adoption.

Rep. Brad Sherman (D-CA) — who made headlines when he called Bitcoin a “crock” during Wednesday’s hearing — has received more campaign donations during the current fiscal year from a digital payment processor than any other company, according to the Center for Responsible Politics.

This data was first discovered by a Reddit user, who decided to look into Sherman’s donation history in response to his uniquely-arrogant opinion on the value of cryptocurrencies and their underlying technology.

As CCN reported, Sherman repeatedly harped on Bitcoin’s alleged associations with terrorism and other illicit activities, quipping that “perhaps we’ll have another hearing after a major terrorist event” is financed using cryptocurrency.

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