Texas Man Charged With Buying Explosives on Dark Net

By September 21, 2016Bitcoin Business

On Monday Cary Lee Ogborn was arrested and accused of attempting to purchase explosives for the purpose of injury or destruction of property. Ogborn, 50, sourced the explosives from dark net. The indictment stated that Ogborn picked up a package last Friday that contained what he suspected to be a grenade and a stick of dynamite complete with a wireless detonator. It continued to say that he communicated, and paid undercover federal agents $600 in bitcoin last month for the explosives. Prosecutors said that Ogborn’s “extremely poor operational security” that got him caught. On August 27 th , Ogborn, under the screen name boatmanstv, messaged a vendor who so happened to be an undercover officer with the FBI. The contact between the two: “Ok fuse not the best for you job. We get dynamite no problem you use that instead of gas yes? We send you kit from my country for dynamite with trigger you just place under building and go use present number you call to ignite. Simple you know that how we build it so no mistake. All parts they from EU for that so nobody find anything. The trick is getting explosion hot enough to burn that can be difficult. It important to use the right explosive. Is building like a house or different there stuff inside or empty you know? Sorry we ask it important to make device work you know. If you rather talk email we do that no problem or this work too. We use email. We wait to hear about that.” Boatsmanstv reply: “This com is fine, I use multi hop vpn, no worries. The building like shed or storage, so yes like a house of wood. I guess I could use ¼ stick TNT and gas to make sure it burns, […]

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