Botswana Bitcoin & Blockchain Summit Will Train Developers To Build Apps

By September 27, 2016Bitcoin Business

Bitcoin continues to make inroads in Africa . One particular African country pushing the penetration of the digital currency is Botswana. The Satoshi Centre in collaboration with GDG Gaborone and Partners are putting together the first ever Botswana Bitcoin & Blockchain Summit. It is scheduled from 25-26 November, 2016, at the Botswana University in Gaborone. With the theme ‘Bitcoin & Blockchain: The Only Chance for Africa to Empower her People’, the summit will host 150 people from across Botswana and Africa. Participation is free. Rationale behind summit Coin Telegraph spoke to Alakanani ‘Motherpky’ Itireleng, Director of Satoshi Centre on the raison d’être behind the summit. She revealed that it is basically about reaching out to more people with the benefits and usefulness of Bitcoin and Blockchain Technology. “There is something about Bitcoin and the Blockchain technology that makes me push for people to take a deeper look into it, at least not to miss the greatest invention of all times. At first, when I started my journey with Bitcoin ( ) I was ignorant about what Bitcoin was all about. As I continued the journey to research for my small meet ups in Botswana and attend Bitcoin conferences, my knowledge on the technology kept on growing and so was the desire to take the technology to the people, especially business institutions, students, farmers, the un-banked etc. I felt the technology will matter in the future. The rationale therefore can be summarized as reaching all with this technology with the hope that we will see amazing developments coming up as a result of this summit.” Speakers There is an excellent line up of speakers that include Prof. Charles Evans (USA), Adella Toulon Foerster (USA), Tim Tayshun (USA), Andrew Tudhope (South Africa), John Karanga (Kenya), Philip ‘Akonfem’ Asare & Narigamba […]

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